Wellington is the one singing in this video
We are coming off one of the most special weeks of our lives. We hosted two missionaries, Paulo and Wellington, from Restoration Ministries in Sau Paulo, Brazil. Words cannot describe what I feel after encountering these two awesome men of God. From the minute they walked in our door, the word that comes to mind is "JOY". Regardless of their circumstances... for those they reach and the Lord they serve... they truly have the JOY of the Lord... a gift of the Holy Spirit.

They were with us for 8 days. We did not want it to end... even though I'm sure they were anxious to return to loved ones and their ministry back in Brazil. They have been touring sponsering churches here in the states for six weeks and completed the last leg of their trip at our Grace Church Mission's Festival this past week. We had a blast, ate tons and shopped what seemed like forever (they did Christmas shopping as things are very expensive in Brazil). We even learned a little portuguese and often had prayer said in portuguese... quite an amazing experience... and to think that one day in heaven we will all worship the Lord Jesus as brothers and sisters...

Restoration Ministries reaches hundreds of children weekly. Children coming from the favelas(slums) can come to their day centers for food, classes and learning the gospel message of Jesus Christ. They are called to serve in very dangerous areas of Brazil, and work directly on the streets. They need to work directly with the drug lords to gain access to the street children in the favaelas. Permission is usually granted and they know the ministry is there to serve the children. They encounter great spiritual warfare on a daily basis... something we've most likely never seen the likes of in our comforatble lives.
Paulo states that they have worked inside brothels and work on the streets, inside the slums, with the organized crime. They do radical things, and it's amazing to see God working the in the most radical people.
My husband, Kurt, went to Brazil two years ago and it has impacted his life forever. He serves on the board of Restoration Ministries, sponsered by WorldVenture and knows Paulo quite well. I now understand his love and passion for this dear ministry and for these amazing people. I'm moved to tears just thinking of it. Prayerfully, Kurt will be leading a trip of 25-30 back to Brazil next August. We pray too that the funds are available for Isaac to join Kurt. As much as I would LOVE to go, I don't believe I'm called to go until our entire family can go together. I believe that this trip would be life changing for Isaac. He has such a heart for others, and this would totally be in his "element". He's watched videos and seen so many children from this ministry and is truly giddy with anticipation that he may get to go and serve them. He also wants to see Paulo & Wellington again (very soon):)
In summary, this past week we opened our home to serve others. In return, I've been served and seen the face of God like no other time in my life. I'm truly humbled and have such a different outlook on what the Lord may want to do in my life and in the lives of our family as we venture to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with whomever we may meet... even those who live across the street. Pray for Restoration Ministries and those who serve in the ministry.

We had all just finished crying in this picture as the kids said their "goodbyes" Sunday night before going to bed.
Go to
for more information on Restoration Ministries and the Mota family.
Is the Lord promting your heart to reach those without hope (here or anywhere)?