We are a violin family. That's like saying to those who play serious hockey, that you are a "hockey family". It takes lots of time and money to do either of these.
Isaac is 8 and has played violin for 3 1/2 years. Isabel just turned 6 and has played 1 1/2 years. Isaiah will be starting violin either in the Fall or by January. That all amounts to lots of time and lots of money.
As of late, I've been struggling with the violin commitment. It is huge. I was (trying to work my way out) in a slump. When mom is in a slump, everyone is in a slump. Practices have been slim to none over the past three weeks. This makes my palms sweat as we have lessons tomorrow.
After discussing with my awesome husband, he encouraged me and really believes that we need to stay the course. He will try to help out with practices as much as he can. Being a violin parent to young children requires me to observe every aspect of the practice. Once they are 12 or so they can go solo.
Besides practice for both (and soon to add Isaiah) there are also two different lessons each week. Lessons require considerable travel time... an individual lesson and group lessons for both. It's an awesome community of students and parents from all over the Twin Cities. We feel honored to connect with so many in this one endeavor.
Why would I want to quit? Time. Money. Time. Money.
Why should we continue? Violin is a beautiful instrument. My children can play the violin beautifully and we consider this a great gift from the Lord. Playing and knowing music broadens the mind and trains it in a whole different way that then effects other areas of their learning. We belong to an awesome group of violinists and supporting parents.
One of the main reasons we would stay the course is to teach the kids to be a blessing to others. I really believe that their gifts in this area can be used to bless others. I pray to find a nursing home by Fall, to which we can go to weekly and practice violin for the residents. As they mature, they could play in our church orchestra. Who knows what the Lord would have in store.
Thanks for listening. Here's a really cool act from last week's "America's Got Talent". Our kids are classically trained, but we all think this video rocks! (I can't get it to load right, but click on the tag)