Friday, October 10, 2008

David Crowder!!!

We are taking Isaac to his first concert on November 6!!! We will have artist section seats to see David Crowder & the band. Can you say "Excited"?! The concert is at our church which seats about 5,000. It will be great memories to share with our oldest.

Here are some cool videos of his music...sit back, relax, watch and listen.

"O, Praise Him"

"He is Our King"

"Never Let Go"

Thursday, October 2, 2008

These pictures deserve their own post

Ok, as I'm updating my blog this morning, and contemplating what I need to pack for our afternoon of violin lessons, I get several loud laughs from upstairs. I rush to find this...

Any bets on how long you think it will before we have someone with a broken bone(s).

Update via pictures

What the school room looks like following a typical day of school. It warms my heart. I love learning with my kids.

Computer boy.

The kid's and I went to a small apple orchards several Fridays ago. We had so much fun.

Isaiah playing in the corn bin.

I know who I think is more cute... but you have to love the baby goats.

I love watching my kids enjoy nature.

Who thought $5 face paints could be so fun.

Kurt and I playing with Isabel's new face paints.